mercredi 25 décembre 2013

La danse des possédés (77)

Ils marchaient les yeux grand ouverts et n'avaient pour seule terre que celle qui collait à leurs chausses. Ils n'ont rien senti venir et leurs tympans ont été déchirés par des tourbillons de cordes. C'était l'Amour Suprème.

"Love. Love is a sacred word. Love is the name of God. 
The entire universe is created with Love, by Love, and in Love.
 Love is the beginning, Love is the continuation, and Love is the end.
 Love for Love’s sake is divine. It is constructive, it is beautiful.
 It brings peace, it brings harmony, it brings joy to the lover and to the loved. But if Love is based on selfishness, egoism, the very same Love brings destruction. Peace and harmony is based on Love and, used properly, by a selfless mind, for the benefit of the humanity, Love knows no business. Love knows no bargain. Love never expects anything in return. Love knows only giving, giving, and giving without even waiting for a thank you. Such a Love is the supreme One. Let that Love Supreme reign over the universe." 

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