Ce blog a aujourd'hui un an ! Grâce à un petit effort (presque) quotidien, 145 posts ont été écrits, des rencontres et de nombreux projets sont en cours. Un grand merci aux lecteurs, à mes pourvoyeurs de "coups de coeur" et surtout à ma chère et tendre qui n'économise pas ses efforts pour vérifier la correction orthographique des billets.
En guise de "cadeau", le téléchargement libre et la lecture d'une collection d'essais éditée par Mattin et Anthony Iles sont vivement recommandés.
Noise & Capitalism (publié par
Arteleku) comprend des textes de Mattin, de Bruce Russell (du groupe The Dead C), de Ray Brassier (philosophe notamment traducteur d'Alain Badiou en anglais) ou encore d'Edwin Prevost (un des fondateurs d'Amm).
Voici la présentation du livre :
"‘Noise’ not only designates the no-man’s-land between electro-acoustic investigation, free improvisation, avant-garde experiment, and sound art; more interestingly, it refers to anomalous zones of interference between genres: between post-punk and free jazz; between musique concrète and folk; between stochastic composition and art brut. – Ray Brassier
This book, Noise & Capitalism, is a tool for understanding the situation we are living through, the way our practices and our subjectivities are determined by capitalism. It explores contemporary alienation in order to discover whether the practices of improvisation and noise contain or can produce emancipatory moments and how these practices point towards social relations which can extend these moments.
If the conditions in which we produce our music affects our playing then let's try to feel through them, understand them as much as possible and, then, change these conditions.
If our senses are appropriated by capitalism and put to work in an ‘attention economy’, let's, then, reappropriate our senses, our capacity to feel, our receptive powers; let's start the war at the membrane!
Alienated language is noise, but noise contains possibilities that may, who knows, be more affective than discursive, more enigmatic than dogmatic.
Noise and improvisation are practices of risk, a ‘going fragile’. Yet these risks imply a social responsibility that could take us beyond ‘phoney freedom’ and into unities of differing.
We find ourselves poised between vicariously florid academic criticism, overspecialised niche markets and basements full of anti-intellectual escapists. There is, afterall, 'a Franco, Churchill, Roosevelt, inside all of us...' yet this book is written neither by chiefs nor generals.
Here non-appointed practitioners, who are not yet disinterested, autotheorise ways of thinking through the contemporary conditions for making difficult music and opening up to the willfully perverse satisfactions of the auricular drives."
En guise d'illustration, le groupe noise chinois Torturing Nurse (dont un morceau est sélectionné sur la fabuleuse compilation 1992-2008 An Anthology of Chines Experimental Music, Sub Rosa et dont l'ami Young Girls a sorti récemment une K7).