Un certain concert de décembre 2010 plus loin à l'ouest. Une expérience, enfin. Depuis, il se passe peu de jours sans que je pense aux Japonais de Maher Shalal Hash Baz, pour le meilleur... C'est donc un peu un rêve qui s'accomplit puisqu'ils joueront ce samedi 16 février à Liège (!), ce qui est déjà incroyable, mais en plus ils viennent avec Arlt (!!) et Le Ton Mité. Ils seront donc 13 (!) sur scène. Spasmes.
On a déjà pas mal rigolé en lisant la notice wikipedia du groupe, dont voici quelques extraits :
Maher Shalal Hash Baz is the artistic alter ego of Tori Kudo, a Japanese naivist composer and musician. The name is taken from Maher-shalal-hash-baz in the Book of Isaiah
verses 8:1 and 8:3, and translates roughly as "Hurrying to the spoil,
he has made haste to the plunder." Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz is also
mentioned in the Book of Mormon in verses 2 Ne 18:1 and 18:3.
Tori Kudo has been cagy about details of his life before MSHB. He was once a member of a shadowy, revolutionary political party in Japan, although he has dissociated himself from politics since joining the Jehovah's Witnesses. He also works as a ceramicist.
Tori Kudo has resisted defining the sound of his band, although in an interview with Tim Footman in Careless Talk Costs Lives
magazine (August 2002) he declared "I am punk." There are also elements
of folk, psychedelia and free jazz; the band's tendency to ask members
of the audience to join in adds a sense of danger in live performance.
Perhaps the best description comes from his own sleevenotes to From a Summer to Another Summer: "Error in performance dominates MSHB cassette which is like our imperfect life."
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